If I need

A follow-back





boring down on me

bending the break-need



Have it out with one tree. Keep it



reason why in summer jet

the evening spent

in spiral

in fortune

faring another ferry.


Keep up the merry.

What they say to me

pray to me

on my grave it seems

they’ll still be asking me

to wear

a little lipstick,



Sort of, in my own way. Figurative and literal, relative to longitude.

Nothing but rude.

I’ve decided

or did it decide me.

Have faint and foist

off with the head of the heist.

Get it twice,

on the way down dice



all of it cramming and instagramming

its way to



I know nothing

so open

as the hope

the internet first brought

with it

before the rest

of the world

made it rot.

Before the old world of the rich

got their hands in it. Understood

its use

if not

its meaning.

Keep fibrous in being,

this one commiserating with the last run

in the sun


in the way blind

to bat

and ball the cop-

out culprit.


No way to know the pit of what

could have been.

Don’t get lost in it

you’ll never find something

to fit.

And again

I spent a lot of time away from this corner of my online world, but I’m back and hoping to make it a habit.

I didn’t even realize that this blog has 60 followers. O_O Where was I during this?

I have all sorts of news. I have published poetry, published nonfiction, my writing has won a couple of awards and I’m self-publishing an erotic science fiction series.

But that’s not what I’m going to talk about here. I sort of like the feeling of anonymity of not sharing my own personal successes or links to them. I miss that anonymity from the rest of the internet. So, instead of focusing on myself, I’d like to use this blog to encourage others.

I had only been published once or twice when I started this blog some years ago. Now, I’ve published considerably more. So if you’re in doubt and thinking of giving up because it’s hard, let me reassure you… it just gets harder. But if you keep going, you can share bits and pieces of yourself that you need to. It is possible. It just takes a lot of learning:

Learning how to edit, learning how to query, and market…

I’m thinking of starting a creative writing class through Teachable.

But enough about me. I want to hear from anyone who wants to share what would make this blog really helpful for them. Should I share links for publications looking for work and offering money? Should I share tips that I learned from school?

Oh yes, and I’m currently a senior at Southern New Hampshire University studying creative writing. Can’t wait to share some of the things I’ve learned.

I love you all. Thanks for sharing this journey with me.

I’m back

Life squashed me under it for a while, so I let this blog about my journey in writing completely die. Well, I’m back to resurrect it, and in the time I was away my writing career certainly didn’t die along with my blog.

I am now a regular poetry contributor to both Breath and Shadow, and Page & Spine Magazine. I’ve won awards held by The Chestatee Review for poetry, creative nonfiction, and formal essay. I’ve been included in chapbooks and anthologies. I can’t wait to share what I’ve experienced and all that I’ve learned.

One of my goals is to help other authors get published. I have just started reaching the point where I’m making a living off of freelance writing. It’s small, and it took me thirteen years to do it, but I want to share some knowledge that would have helped me get there faster.

I recently started guest-lecturing at a college campus at the request of a professor and I discovered a completely unexpected passion for teaching. So, I’ve decided to start a creative writing for publication class via Teachable, an online class-creation platform. I’m also creating a channel on Twitch so I can interact live with students.

Students. STUDENTS! I never thought my life could actually go in that sort of direction.

Wish me luck. I’ll post links soon in case anyone wants to join the fun.


Writing Prompt: Love at First Smell

TC180’s random writing prompts.

Love at first smell.

150 word max. Poems, fiction, or non-fiction.


If at least 10 people participate, the chosen winner gets a colorful Jpeg award image to put on their social media or blog.  It will likely be cheesy.

Leave your entry in the comments or leave a link to it.

Press on

Press out

down about the dust

make the path


Thorns snag

burrs hitchhike

trying to find the sun.


I’ve only ever run.

Now a patch of ground



It holds a lake

where I can see my heart glow

in its reflection.


Before, I’ve seen only clouds,



I’ve seen only

a murky surface

oiled slick and swirling


How am I to believe in this glow?

A whole universe, waiting to grow.






Count Down

How many made it this time around,

how many faces with you

versus those you search for in the rain.


Let the ball drop

Fluctuations of millions beginning,


stories spilling open


In explosions



and we’re left counting names

faces in the room with us

to see who’s going round again.


Never Before or Again

I’ll speak

star bursts

to birds,

and sing my hopes to insects


I’ll know when it’s time to sleep

by the weight of the atmosphere,

the ground.


I’ll forget words,

remember my heart,

sit in ghost silence,

and meditate with stones.


I’ll learn the language of


deer fawn


I’ll call hawk,

and look on night without suspicion.


Nowhere else than earth has embraced me

my bones will embrace in return.